BIGGER AND BETTER When the building you’ve called home for the last 5 years is to be demolished, and you have to be out in 6 months; “who you going to call?” The task was: Quick pricing, quick approvals and quicker construction International liaising High design standards Up to the minute Technological standards The best…


SERVICE OFFICES – ALWAYS CHANGING When you provide office space for small business, there is always going to be changes.   When that small business grows but wants to stay where they are, then you need to be able to provide more space and quickly.  That’s where id Projects is here to help… solutions, approvals and…


NEW OFFICES FOR A FINANCIAL LEADER When this International Financial Software developer needed a local office it was ID Projects the help bring them here, The task was: International liaising. High design and technological standards Quality Working with our international design partners CDplusA it was id Projects that was given the task of  creating the…